Thursday, August 19, 2010

Speedy Gonzalas is the inHouse Mascot

So many ideas, so many clothes, so much makeup, so much (fake:) hair, so little time! When there is an entire team of creative people, sometimes, there is too many "cooks in the kitchen". Choosing the right people to create the right shot can often be tricky, but when you get it right, well, it just works.

When there is so many elements involved in making a photo shoot successful, it can definitely be overwhelming. It is almost magical when a group of talented and successful people can come together and really mesh their creative energy. Meeting inHouse was that magical moment for me.

Having years of styling under my belt, it kind of became "the norm" for eight looks to take ALL day. And then came inHouse. I truly did not think it was possible to shoot a full spread, add on two more looks for fun, and then have time to return almost half the clothing before the end of the day. I managed to squeeze in lunch and dinner somewhere as well! Every client we have ever brought in is almost in awe of the precise work that can come out of such a quick and simple day!

Meagan (Our awesome photog) has to be the most efficient person I have ever met in my life. She is not only sure of what she shoots, she does it in such a short time you almost can't believe the perfect shot is floating around in her camera. A quick genius? I'll take that! Andrea (fab hair) and Gregg (superb make-up) work simultaneously to get a new look for almost every shot!!! Don't believe me? Just take a look at these amazing shots done in less then seven hours. Yes, that is hair, makeup, set design, styling and photography. New assistants never believe me until they see it for themselves:)

The key to getting such great shots so efficiently is truly understand what the others are after, creatively that is, and meshing your ideas for the best shot. Respect for the others craft is key. I don't claim to be a photographer, hair or makeup person, but I certainly know what will work with my styling. Making suggestions and receiving them is what keeps our team ticking and working so seamlessly together!

The greatest compliment inHouse ever received is that we are "mind readers". There is nothing black and white about doing a photo shoot. There is a huge gray area that lays between the client and the creative team and it is our job to fill in the picture. Taking the client's idea and expanding upon it for the best possible result is the real talent behind inHouse. We may not be able to guess what number you are thinking, but we can definitely take your photo shoot idea to the next level!!!!

-Amy (rockin' stylist)

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